New Horizon Community Church
Reaching Higher To Empower
Reaching Higher To Empower
Rev. Ranodore M. Foggs, Senior pastor
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM
Tuesday Morning Prayer 6:30 AM
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM
Thursday Chat with the Pastor & Prayer 6:30 PM
During the coronavirus pandemic, our services are online via
Facebook and Zoom.
You are welcome to join us!
Add New Horizon Community Church as a FRIEND on Facebook.
And join the services by clicking on the Facebook emblem above.
Access to ZOOM online: Highlight the entire link, then right click and left click on "Go to."
Sun.: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87539203497?pwd=OXFZKy90Z0ozMlhZMWo1MjJPMzZPQT09
Meeting ID: 875 3920 3497 / Passcode: Jesus
Tues.: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81337318111?pwd=aTNXVVhkSHV1cWlUbExLVlgxSmJUUT09
Meeting ID: 813 3731 8111 / Passcode: Prayer
Wed.: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81134505599?pwd=WldqbmVPd3FWcEkwNXROMWN3cmljZz09
Meeting ID: 811 3450 5599 / Passcode: Study
Thurs.: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89377362353?pwd=YUFVM2diTEw5Qk5uK2xWdG1qbTFSQT09
Meeting ID: 893 7736 2353 / Passcode: Chat20
ZOOM via phone: Dial 1-312-626-6799
Sun.: Access # 875 3920 3497 / Passcode: 616733
Tues.: Access # 813 3731 8111 / Passcode: 898522
Wed.: Access # 811 3450 5599 / Passcode: 416423
Thurs.: Access # 893 7736 2353 / Passcode: 486552